
Buried Penis Specialist in Long Island

Has a buried penis affected your confidence and even prevented you from having sex with your partner? It’s not uncommon for Long Island men to feel a sense of discomfort or embarrassment with a buried penis. If you’re looking to improve your quality of life, fellowship trained urologist Roger Khouri MD performs buried penile surgery for patients seeking greater male function in the Suffolk County area of Long Island.
Roger Khouri MD is a board-certified urologist with extensive expertise in buried penis surgery. Dr. Khouri is fellowship trained in penile reconstructive surgery and has trained with one of the leading reconstructive urologists in the country Allen Morrey. Contact his offices today in Hauppague and Bayshore to schedule a consultation and find out a surgical procedure to correct a buried penis be right for you.

What is a Buried Penis?

A buried penis is a condition where your penis is of normal size but not visible due to swollen skin in the scrotum or elsewhere in the pubic area. Most patients who suffer from a buried penis are obese, have scrotal swelling due to lymphadenopathy and/or complications from circumcision.

What are the Causes of a Buried Penis?

  • During circumcision, too much or too little foreskin was removed, causing the remaining skin to pull forward and cover the penis.
  • Abnormally weak penile ligaments
  • Scrotal swelling caused by an accessory lymph node may be covered by penile tissue
  • Excess fat from the pubic area that buries the penis due to being overweight or obese
  • Very weak ligaments attached to the penis or problems acquired during circumcision surgery.

What Surgery can Treat a Buried Penis?

Dr. Khouri customizes a patients buried penis treatment to suit their individual circumstances. In many cases, the suprapubic fat pad, which is the fat in the genital area, makes your penis look smaller than it is and is what requires surgical correction. Removal of swollen scrotal tissue may be needed if you have severe swelling due to a buildup of lymphatic fluid around the scrotum. Typically, surgery for a buried penis also involves grafting skin from the shaft of the penis and/or scrotum to improve overall function and appearance. 

There are many unique approaches to buried penile surgery, some of which include:


Using catheters to remove fat cells from around the penis

Tummy Tuck

Removes fat from the abdominal area that can hide penile tissue


Removal of excess fat from the pubic area
While these are just a few of the procedures that can be performed, Dr. Khouri understands that each case is very unique. During the consultation, the indicated area will be carefully examined to determine what may be causing the buried penis. From there, Dr. Khouri will advise you on the right approach for your cases and educate you on what to expect from your procedure. Because each man’s situation is unique, other procedures may also be included in buried penis surgery. Patients who have undergone buried penis surgery have seen lasting results that have not only improved penile function, but also increased their confidence. Dr. Khouri is an expert urologist with advanced training specializing in the surgical treatment of buried penis. Depending on the root cause for a buried penis, Dr. Khouri will tailor his approach to surgery so you can enjoy a future with better sexual health and urinary function.

What Problems Does a Buried Penis Cause?

A buried penis can make normal sexual activity difficult or even impossible, which can lower your self-confidence. In addition, a buried penis can make it difficult to urinate normally, which can seriously affect hygiene, urinary tract infections or other persistent problems. If your penis is buried, you may experience severe skin irritation on and around your penis. Some patients with buried penis also have persistent skin infections.

What to Expect in a Buried Penis Visit?

During your consultation, we will review your medical history and examine a carefully defined area to determine if buried penile surgery may be right for you. It is very important to have realistic expectations for this procedure and to maintain a healthy weight and good health. Men with diagnosed bleeding disorders may not be eligible.
Do you want more information about buried penis surgery and are you a candidate? Contact Dr Khouri today at our Suffolk County offices in Hauppague or Bayshore to schedule a consultation!