Roger Khouri, MD
Reconstructive Urologist in Suffolk County
Urólogo Reconstructivo en Suffolk County

Dr. Roger Khouri is a Cuban-Lebanese American from Miami and is fluent in Spanish. He graduated from medical school at the University of Michigan and urology residency at the University of Texas Southwestern. He completed his Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic. He has extensive training in both robotic and plastic surgical techniques. Dr. Khouri strives to use both medicine and surgery to restore the quality of life for patients who suffer from urologic symptoms.
His areas of expertise include:
- Buried Penis
- Ejaculatory Dysfunction
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Genitourinary Fistulas
- Low Testosterone
- Neurogenic Bladder
- Penile Curvature
- Urinary Incontinence (male)
- Urinary Tract Strictures
- Urologic Trauma
Sus áreas de especialización incluyen:
· Pene enterrado
· Disfunción eyaculatoria
· Disfunción eréctil
· Fístulas genitourinarias
· Baja testosterona
· Vejiga neurogénica
· Curvatura del pene
· Estenosis del tracto urinario
· Incontinencia urinaria (masculina)
Mira su página de Youtube en español aquí:
Dr. Roger Khouri is a professor of urology at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra University. He is a national leader in medical student and resident education as well as basic science and clinical research. Find his recent publications below or visit his Web of Science and PubMed profiles.
El Dr. Roger Khouri es profesor de urología en la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Hofstra. Es un líder nacional en la educación de estudiantes de medicina y residentes, así como en la investigación en ciencias básicas y clinícas. Encuentre sus publicaciones más recientes aquí.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Research Articles
Artículos de Investigación Biomédica Revisados por Pares
Maher S, Gerber D, Balog B, Wang L, Kuang M, Hanzlicek B, Malakalapalli T, van Etten C, Khouri RK Jr, Damaser M. Contribution of pudendal nerve injury to stress urinary incontinence in a male rat model. Sci Rep. 2024; Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-57493-1.
Rodriguez-Alvarez JS, Munoz-Lopez C, Harwood S, Miranda AF, Campbell SC, Dewitt-Foy ME, Khouri RK Jr. Urology residency applicant selection: program director’s new criteria. Urology. 2024; Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1016/j.urology.2024.02.026.
Rodriguez-Alvarez JS, Munoz-Lopez C, Khouri RK Jr, Emrich Accioly JP, Harwood S, Campbell SC, Dewitt-Foy ME. Diversity attracts diversity: 2023 AUA match results. Urology. 2023;180:21-7.
Emrich Accioly JP, Maspero M, Zhao H, Khouri RK Jr, Angermeier KW, Lavryk OA, Hull TL, Wood HM. Management and outcomes of ileal pouch-urethral fistulas. Urology. 2023;172:213-9.
Carpinito GP, Badia RR, MD; Khouri RK Jr., Ganesan V, Kenigsberg AP, Hudak SJ, Lemack GE. Preference signaling and virtual interviews: the new urology residency match. Urology. 2023;171:35-40.
More RM, Nabhani J, Khouri RK Jr, Bakare TI, Samplaski MK. The effect of penetrating testicular trauma on male infertility. Hum Fertil (Camb). 2022;25:1-6.
Carpinito GP. Caldwell KM, Kenigsberg AP, Ganesan V, Khouri RK Jr, Kuprasertkul A, Hudak SJ, Lemack GE. Twitter and Instagram use in the urology application process. Urology. 2022;159:22-7.
Leano IS, Khouri RK Jr, Peters CA. Perineal groove: case report. Urology Case Reports. 2021;40:101952.
Carpinito GP. Khouri RK Jr, Kenigsberg AP, Ganesan V, Kuprasertkul A, Caldwell KM, Hudak SJ, Lemack GE. The virtual urology residency match process: moving beyond the pandemic. Urology. 2021;158:33-8.
Kusin SB, Khouri RK Jr, Dropkin BM, Dietrich PN, Joice GA, Ward EE, Baumgarten AS, Kansal JK, Guise AI, Morey AF. Plication for correction of congenital penile curvature: with or without degloving? Sex Med. 2021;9(6):100462.
Bhanvadia RB, Khouri RK Jr, Ashbrook C, Woldu SL, Margulis V, Raj GV, Bagrodia A. Safety, efficacy and impact on quality of life of palliative robotic cystectomy for advanced prostate cancer. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2021;19(2):e129-34.
Wolfe AR, Khouri RK Jr, Bhanvadia RR, Yi YA, Dropkin BM, Joice GA, Ward EE, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Male stress urinary incontinence is often underreported. Can J Urol. 2021;28(2):10589-94.
Khouri RK Jr, Ortiz NM, Dropkin BM, Joice, GA, Baumgarten AS, Morey AF, Hudak SJ. Artificial urinary sphincter complications: risk factors, workup, and clinical approach. Curr Urol Rep. 2021;22(5):30.
VanDyke ME, Baumgarten AS, Ortiz NM, Dopkin BM, Khouri RK Jr, Pinto Filho JE, Ward EE, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Extended primary anastomosis with penile plication (EPAPP): a promising new alternative to perineal urethrostomy for reconstruction of long urethral strictures. Urology. 2021;149:245-50.
Khouri RK Jr, Yi YA, Baumgarten AS, Ortiz NM, Ward EE, VanDyke ME, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Standing cough test stratification of moderate male stress urinary incontinence. Int Braz J Urol. 2021;47(2):415-22.
Wong D, Kuprasertkul A, Khouri RK Jr, Ganesan V, Kenigsberg AP, Lemack GE. Assessing the female and underrepresented minority medical student experience in the urology match: Where do we fall short? Urology. 2021;147:57-63.
Fu S, Panayi A, Fan J, Mayer HF, Daya M, Khouri RK Jr, Gurtner GC, Ogawa R, Orgill DP. Mechanotransduction in wound healing: from the cellular and molecular level to the clinic. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021;34(2):67-74.
Kavoussi M, Bhanvadia R, Baumgarten AS, VanDyke ME, Khouri RK Jr, Ward EE, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Explantation of high submuscular reservoirs: safety and practical considerations. J Sex Med. 2020;17(12):2488-92.
Baumgarten AS, Kavoussi M, VanDyke ME, Ortiz NM, Khouri RK Jr, Ward EE, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Avoiding deep pelvic complications using “five-step” technique for high submuscular placement of inflatable penile prosthesis reservoirs. BJU Int. 2020;126(4):457-63.
Kenigsberg AP, Khouri RK Jr, Kuprasertkul A, Wong D, Ganesan V, Lemack GE. Urology residency applications in the COVID-19 era. Urology. 2020;143:55-61.
Khouri RK Jr, Ortiz NM, Baumgarten AS, Ward EE, VanDyke ME, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Artificial urinary sphincter outperforms sling for moderate male stress urinary incontinence. Urology. 2020;141:168-72.
Khouri RK Jr, Baumgarten AS, Ortiz NM, Ward EE, Baker RC, VanDyke ME, Yi YA, Hudak SJ, Morey AF. Pressure regulating balloon herniation: a correctable cause of artificial urinary sphincter malfunction. Urology. 2020;139:188-92.
Wong D, Ganesan V, Kuprasertkul A, Khouri RK Jr, Lemack GE. Reversing the decline in urology residency applications: an analysis of medical school factors critical to maintaining student interest. Urology. 2020;136:51-7.
Textbook Chapter
Capítulo de Libro Texto
Khouri RK Jr, Bakare TI. Imaging the Male Reproductive System. In: Lipshultz LI, SS Howards, Niederberger CS, Lamb DJ, eds. Infertility in the Male(5th Ed). New York: Cambridge University Press; 2023: 165-81.
Hospital Affiliations
Hospitales Afiliados
Dr. Khouri is affiliated with the following hospitals:
El Dr. Khouri está afiliado con los siguientes hospitales
- Huntington Hospital
- Long Island Jewish Medical Center
- North Shore University Hospital
- South Shore University Hospital
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